This term means a lot in our competitive society, but because it means so much, " as burnt out as it gets." Today is one of the company indirectly forced to go with his power to bezw.Arbeitskraft the limits of what is possible personally, but then this limit is exceeded, and there is a physical and mental breakdown, it is often only a nervous breakdown is beyond repair.
Physical damage can be restored by drugs or other types of therapies, which could also be a psychological breakdown of the case, but the psyche of a people suffering from burnout is elusive, because the signs of burnout are difficult to detect, analyze or even difficult.
I myself have had a burn, and the collapse came suddenly, very suddenly even. Up to this burnout I was athletic and very professionally clamped, and came to the families, but in the true sense of the word, my oasis of relaxation and the recovery was. But for decades was the professional stress, Army, studied and then the activity in the judiciary as a qualified social worker and educator. Then there was the sport that also represented a recovery, but finally made clear the signs of burnout. When I was on vacation, I was with my family on vacation in Illinois, when I suddenly woke up one morning with severe pain in the right thigh. This day was also our home travel day. Now I only had the fear that I could not drive a car, but we went anyway, because I frequently paused on the way home.
Home began to burn off steam the right. The first night was terrible, because the pain was so strong that I even wanted to jump out the window of our apartment (3rd floor about 10 meters high), but the thought of my family and my responsibility to this, I stopped at a Selbstötung back.
the sick leave and then began the march through the medical clinics, 27 different physicians were visited by me. The last doctor, an old psychiatrist told me that the nerves in the right leg were so damaged that I was no longer fit for duty, and I would have to constantly move around the central nervous system of this Damage to deflect what has worked well.
Today I look at this injury as Burnoutsydrom, because only if you exceed its power limit, then it comes to these disorders.
Today I have my 70-sixty-fifth anniversary, I will celebrate with my dear wife Doris and my dear daughter, Anja.
How many years will follow, I do not know, but I let the years come to me, because I know I have a loving wife and a loving daughter, because for me is a family of very important and it should be.
Thank you very much for all the good wishes for my birthday.
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