Sunday, January 30, 2011

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had bloody uprising

has now been accomplished what you wanted to see actually do not have occurred in Egypt to more than 100 dead. I would prefer if it would be a peaceful revolt with the goal of freedom for the people of Egypt and the introduction of human rights in the constitution of the country. But there again, and einmalaussieht are other so-called political leaders get involved again, and they will try to seize the violence ansichzu. The Islamists are bezw.vorbereiten participate if a takeover of power. North Africa will not come to rest, and I'm wondering why you have not already tried to give the Egyptian people a constitution, which are individual liberty and human rights in the foreground?

It is the arrogance and hubris of the people themselves who have the power, but that would have consciously must be that this power or the feeling to have power, is very deceptive. And now you have noticed.

go on How will the revolt, is probably uncertain, because there are too many unknown factors that play a decisive role.

Although when I look at the democracies that exist on earth, I can only conclude that there is no Demokrtie that truly respects the human rights of the individual, with the exception of the human rights of the rich and for the politicians.

I hope that the human rights of all people, whether female or male, in Egypt are equal and that no one and no community is disadvantaged. It probably will remain a pipe dream or thought.


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