Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Best Drugstore Primer

home front

The scene in the ARD "home front" on 01/23/2011 I made it very think, because these programs on Sunday evening, I see not only the entertainment and more. But this scene had a real background, even if the acts in this film covered for something appeared, but the content shows clearly the way in which it could be real, when young soldiers of the armed forces from the war zone, Afghanistan come home.

Our society has not been prepared for these missions, because so far it was assumed that the Bundeswehr was only necessary to avert attack on the Federal Republic of Germany there, but I was wrong. The world political situation has changed fundamentally, because also former adversaries like Russia, Poland, etc., or are with us in an assembly, which must defend itself against world terrorism. The Chinese are likely to join the pact, because it will not last long, that China gets the attention of the terrorists, because Pakistan and India have already occasionally get visits from terrorists.

Back to the ARD program "home front". have During this mission, I realized that I'm an idiot when I run in Afghanistan or another country must be war, and then come home, and my war-related problems left alone, even insulted and spat at will.

Well, one has to distinguish the individual soldiers, as they put away this combat with the consequences. One is very sensitive to the events during the combat, and he can not put away what had happened so simple, and thus he gets into a severe psychological crisis that can only be resolved with psychological assistance.

Another is so well done, he can switch over and looks at the combat mission as an event that has happened, and can not be undone. Even if he killed should. He said then that the killing was done in self-defense, but not at the pleasure of killing.

But the background of the film was felt just how does society deal with this happening?

The event "war" in another part of our planet, and many believe that none of our business going, and the use of the Bundeswehr was only intended for development assistance to Afghanistan. It is a beautiful development, if one with a gun in his hand the people there shows how they drill wells and houses and roads shall build. It shrinks in Germany is still the end of World War 2 is already 65 years ago, say the word "war" , but it failed at the same time, the returning war veterans - soldiers here - to receive such a way that a nation be proud of can demonstrate that it is called international, mitzubekämpfen terrorism worldwide. That there is also planed where chips fall, that's obvious, because you get nothing for nothing.

I only want one, no more war, but if he can not be avoided, because we must defend ourselves around the world, then should we, the soldiers involved in this Armed conflict to participate, offer also the possibility that they can handle better therapies in the home country of the war events, but only by trained personnel.


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