In recent days I have in the blog with my comments lacking, although there are a lot over, you could comment, but I lacked the desire. Right now I really do not know whether I return to the blog, because I really did not like. And advance the problem?
had in the past two weeks, I tried to write something about the process of a developing human being before birth, so after conception, such as that being experienced as a growing human emotions of the body, in which he grows up.
I have the title "Thou shalt not kill .." picked out because I wanted the situation of becoming mother who became pregnant unintentionally, describe the the developing child does not want. However, I was planning weiterzubeschreiben this process in terms that principle in us human is willing to kill a fellow, in revenge, from lust, from capture or by their own hunger. And so I wanted to see evidence or even later point out that man is einzweibeiniges predator, but then was raised the same question: true?
But with my written thoughts, I am still in the womb. No, not entirely true, the man who has become has left the womb. But it may be that I again come back with my thoughts on the origin of becoming human. become
I close my thoughts are murky, especially because, as I have tried to return to my psyche or soul into the source of my emergence. My mother, I know, but my father and I tried to achieve this, as I reach to my soul the soul of my father during my conception. Until now it has not worked.
Even a crazy idea that only come from a crazy alien, because I ask myself the last time: Where you really are descended, for so stupid can not be a biped?
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