What I noticed today when reading through the news: The Prime Minister of Turkey was in Dusseldorf to visit, and he made a speech before 10 000 of his countrymen. In his speech, he pointed out that in Germany again reinforced Ausländerfreindlichkeit there, and he urged the Germans to let the xenophobia, which he referred particularly to the Turkish compatriots. But xenophobia is an activity based on sympathy and antipathy, because sometimes when you see how some Turks behave, then you'd think they were the only ones allowed to live in Germany. But to me it is matter where my people come, I take them as they are, because why should I have anything against other people, because man is man, and I am one.
What Erdogan said even that young people should first learn Turkish, what most do, as long as they are still at home, but eventually they will choose the language that is their mother tongue.
that he is defending Islam, and he pointed to the dangers of Islam mitsichbringt if his countrymen not to think that religion, the problem that Christians have long been, and thus must they live, including Islam. As prime minister he must defend that Islam, for he is a dignitary of his country.
The Oscar was awarded in the last night. What a tribute to a piece of object that is but soon forget, and this subject is therefore of the actors in such high demand because they will promise more jobs, only to come even more money. I am personally interested in the Oscar at all, because I have to think now particularly to the people in the Arab world who have the courage to act against their despot.
As the whole rebellion will end in the Arab world, is still uncertain, although in Egypt and Tunisia, everything seems to be clear, but there the rebellion or revolt is not over yet.
If the Tunisians Gaddaffi have brought out from the underground bunker, and sent him out of the country, then one can only speak of a partial success. To what extent Islam had his hands in the game, is not evident, but the young people will be involved vigorously, and they will try to let out all the religious characteristics of the uprising.
Goodbye my love, until morning.
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