Thursday, March 3, 2011

Colyte, Can I Drink With Clear Fluids?

The Afghans are planning to boost tourism in the country. Whether they will get it into a religious conflict that could be, especially if the Islamic radicals should weierhin hide in this country, but I wish every success to the Afghans for this project. Tourism is likely to make again some Afghans rich, and the remaining size is sipping from plastic cups to coffee, tea or soup. Now it wants to open first in the Himalayas a ski area to get the first tourists into the country, but after that it can go very fast until there is a new tourist centers. Only fear is that Muslims are busy opposing these measures, because the fear the decline of Islam and we decline of Christian faith. It would be appropriate in relation to matters of faith to let the people decide whether to continue in the faith or whether he is the belief call it off.

The mortar Lugner appears again at the Opera Ball. One sees in this man that he actually has not much to do, for he must confront the environment with his presence. Most people don `when it comes to Lugner, but he does not understand. With his construction business and has earned quite enough, and he should leave it there, for he is eigntlich old enough to say, I remove myself from the sight of the people and enjoy the rest, which he apparently can not understand what I understand because I'm only 70 years old, and would not simply disappear. But you should pull themselves together and say really, I draw from all back and get out now, which is often best. Luggi will be hanging out at the opera ball back for his stupidity, because the girls use it only in order to get enough money to go schoppen can. Poor Luggi how far can you drop even.

The planet is in peril again a mass extinction of animals and plants, but I suspect that this time people are in the process. We have in the past failed to understand what the earth means to us humans, it is just our home, and on which we live. But at the same time we are not immune from extinction, when the time comes. We fight desperately, and we are trying to use Drugs to extend our boring life, but it will benefit us anything because we will someday go the way that all living beings on this earth have to go to their death and impermanence. It has been calculated that the death of animals and plants is very fast and we forget, however, probably from our own fear of dying, that we will one day belong to endangered species, because then no one will help us, not even the which we now call as gods. So what can we do, we take life as it comes and it indicates otherwise, because there is only this life.


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