Floating Wobbler (English suspending, abbreviated SP): one of the best innovations for spin fishing in recent years. No other lure (floating or sinking) can be present so skilfully, as the "suspending" wobblers. By appropriate materials Twitchen (jerk with the rod tip) you can include an eating, dying on the spot or standing fish mimic the flashes with the flanks.
But when I last winter (Dec. / Jan.) Wanted to adjust to my new Lieblingswobbler (in floating version) should tempt the perch, the latter only through the "slow-twitch, but this dropped like a stone to the ground and was good for only to Bottomtapping . But it should be that this is not very cheap high end lure a well-known Japanese lure manufacturer is not worth the money? After some research themselves solved the puzzle: On the homepage of the manufacturer were the important additional details recorded, unfortunately only in Japanese ... .
For lures manufacturers to deliver in a big way to America or Europe, we find such important additional information on packages, such as sometimes at Lucky Craft. If the lure does the water temperature is an important role, whether he now floats or sinks to the bottom quickly. Nor should one look for in high end lures out angling for which they are produced. For fishing in fresh or salt water or tropical waters, etc., it can already conclude why the bait sinks or swims now printed on the package instead of "float" (suspending).