Fragt man nach dem top Kunstköder für Hechte, wird der Jerkbait am häufigsten genannt. But
yet another spinning equipment specifically for this "art form bait" was to create for me too much of a good thing, although I like to experiment with new. After much trial and error is
with all sorts of lures Swimbait a real alternative to the highly acclaimed Jerkbait.
with a "Walk the dog"-like zigzag swimming style can not ask the pike long.
follow Vehement bites on his foot, out for violent attack explodes the water when the pike attaches to the first flight.
Man Swimbait the distinction between two-, three-and split-Baits.
The two-piece coincides with its wide zigzag swimming style ( long live swim action ) at the most visible, in contrast to the three-or multi-part Swimbait who place more of a subtle, undulating swimming style ( live swim action ) on the day.
Swimbait For me now more than an alternative to the Jerkbaits.